Ever wonder where the term
came from?
A VIZ'UAL JOURNEY, DRIVEN BY MY INSATIABLE CURIOSA... My wish for you is to have no regrets as you wander and sometimes stumble throughout your life. That you create the ability to pause and to feel, the delicacy in moments, allowing each to tickle the palate of your imagination. I pray that the ebb and the flow guide you safely, with both comfort and with grace, through each delicious drink you take. I invite you to share with me, my journey, as I sip slowly through the gift of my heart.
Now that's a litte too big for me. Thinking of this head going down, scares the hell out of me!
phallic symbols..... brom
Ahahahahahaha! Oh my! Liquid you're a hoot! :D
took me a few moments to actually focus on what it was!!! lol good one.....
The creature from the blue lagoon.....
There it is!
LOL!!! Poor guy. :D
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