Thank you each for accepting this invitation.
Until my divorce is final, I thought it best to make this blog private.
I noticed today that several of your sites were hit from my blog.
by an obvious and undesirable source.
My husband and his girlfriend are pretty brutal so,
I wish to keep what I post here, private.
Thank you for understanding.
If I have left anyone out that you know of,
please have them email me at
and I will send them an invitation.
I know that I don't email everyone that I blog with
and I need an email address to send an invite to.
Have a super day and rest of the weekend.
Thank you for the kind invitation my dear.
Glad to be here! Honored to be invited.
I can certainly understand that! I'm going through a very similar situation... I hope everything works out for you!! And thanks for inviting me :)
I will be so glad when all this ends, and you can get on with your beautiful life ... we love ya Suzanne.
Whatever you say dear girl. xo
We all understand, cause we all love you.
Thanks for the invite.
I do believe everyone should have a private place to vent...:)
Sorry to here about this divorce thing. Makes me kinda mad because your a great person, but then again from my standpoint your marriage didn't have anything to do with the core of you. Marriage is just an earthly thing. It's probably for the best. Don't ever let this incident define who you were or who u r now. I'm writting a poem write now that may bring some insight to whats really going on. It's entitled the Matrix and once you become a part of it, nothing can ever touch you again because you'll be touching everything first. I'm gonna be posting this poem entitled the matrix early next week so check it out. Take care, clear that mind and go to your happy place, Mike...
Thanks for your invitation. Sorry to hear about your going through a divorce and having to endure rough and stressful times, but maybe it will be like necessary surgery, and hopefully you will be better off afterwards and get a new lease on a life of your very own. With best regards,
Jon in Vicksburg on 2-23-08
I am very glad and honored to be one of the ones invited. I hope your life can have some kind of peace and get to being normal again soon. Much love for ya :)
Thank you each.
Love ya'll.
Thanks for your kind invitation.I am sorry to hear you are going through this and all my prayers go out to you. I know you are strong and will come out stronger.
Hugs and all my love,
Glad to be included, too. Sorry you're having a bumpy ride right now.
God bless.
Thanks for allowing me in here...I know what you are going through...
Take care and remember "we love you girl"
Thanks for the invite. I feel honored to choosen.
Thanks muchly for the invite!
Believe me, I know all about the "keep it private" thingie! :)
So sorry to hear about this. Exes can be so petty and vindictive.
Thanks for the invite.:)
Can understand why you would do it! Don't let them bother you.
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