gift for you each!
Think of me when you add a little more ice to your holiday drinks,
'cause I'm right there with ya'!
A VIZ'UAL JOURNEY, DRIVEN BY MY INSATIABLE CURIOSA... My wish for you is to have no regrets as you wander and sometimes stumble throughout your life. That you create the ability to pause and to feel, the delicacy in moments, allowing each to tickle the palate of your imagination. I pray that the ebb and the flow guide you safely, with both comfort and with grace, through each delicious drink you take. I invite you to share with me, my journey, as I sip slowly through the gift of my heart.
I believe I will go out to the kitchen and mix myself another drink. It's bound to tast better with a little more liquid in it.
that looks delicious- I just love your blog
HELP---I'm melting, I'm melting! HA HA HA! :D
Why that is the loveliest ice cube I have ever been given. May I post it it my margin? It won't melt, will it?
aww...that was a cute offering :)
Fabulous photo! (Thanks for the gift.) This reminds me of a piece of art by Joseph Cornell of a jewellery box filled with glass ice cubes. You can see it here: http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.moma.org/images/collection/FullSizes/00043071.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.moma.org/collection/browse_results.php%3Fcriteria%3DO%253AAD%253AE%253A1247%26page_number%3D6%26template_id%3D1%26sort_order%3D1&usg=__FZXnAvwk9HNWCATIoEjphCbBV_M=&h=450&w=361&sz=32&hl=en&start=2&sig2=acZiSlTroHx-RtaD4pnISw&um=1&tbnid=87O4TN1USH3f1M:&tbnh=127&tbnw=102&ei=bZBKSehy1rKZB4fv2a8O&prev=/images%3Fq%3Djoseph%2Bcornell%2Bice%2Bcube%2Bjewellery%2Bbox%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DX
Thanks for the cube. I'll add it to my club soda.
I want spring liquid , not this frozen ice lol
Oh, what a *cool* blog! Thanks for the extra ice. Needed that in my drink.
I'd visit more often but I don't like blogs with music. ♥ ∞
Aww. I accept!
Then I'll be thinking of you A LOT over the holiday season.
Oh hell, who am I joking?
I'll be thinking of you every time I open the freezer every day!
Heh ... quite the ephemeral gift ;-)
Luv it...I could actually use a drink now! Ha..to early!
Too cool!
Ruv you looong time!
Great Reader
I'll have some Baileys poured over my piece of ice, thank you muchly. :)
Will do, friend! Merry Christmas.
Oh, now that's cold! lol
What a cool gift!
Thanks for this liquid gift...happy holidays to you and have fun, but be good!:)
Take care,
love and hugs
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