
A thoughtful gift.....

Here is a little
gift for you each!
Think of me when you add a little more ice to your holiday drinks,
'cause I'm right there with ya'!


NYD said...

I believe I will go out to the kitchen and mix myself another drink. It's bound to tast better with a little more liquid in it.

Shoozles said...

that looks delicious- I just love your blog

Connie said...

HELP---I'm melting, I'm melting! HA HA HA! :D

MuseSwings said...

Why that is the loveliest ice cube I have ever been given. May I post it it my margin? It won't melt, will it?

Shadow said...


Tabitha.Montgomery said...

aww...that was a cute offering :)

Charli Henley said...

Fabulous photo! (Thanks for the gift.) This reminds me of a piece of art by Joseph Cornell of a jewellery box filled with glass ice cubes. You can see it here: http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.moma.org/images/collection/FullSizes/00043071.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.moma.org/collection/browse_results.php%3Fcriteria%3DO%253AAD%253AE%253A1247%26page_number%3D6%26template_id%3D1%26sort_order%3D1&usg=__FZXnAvwk9HNWCATIoEjphCbBV_M=&h=450&w=361&sz=32&hl=en&start=2&sig2=acZiSlTroHx-RtaD4pnISw&um=1&tbnid=87O4TN1USH3f1M:&tbnh=127&tbnw=102&ei=bZBKSehy1rKZB4fv2a8O&prev=/images%3Fq%3Djoseph%2Bcornell%2Bice%2Bcube%2Bjewellery%2Bbox%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DX

Syd said...

Thanks for the cube. I'll add it to my club soda.

coltfan said...

I want spring liquid , not this frozen ice lol

Sparky said...

Oh, what a *cool* blog! Thanks for the extra ice. Needed that in my drink.
I'd visit more often but I don't like blogs with music. ♥ ∞

Megan said...

Aww. I accept!

Maeve said...

Then I'll be thinking of you A LOT over the holiday season.
Oh hell, who am I joking?
I'll be thinking of you every time I open the freezer every day!

Gadfly said...

Heh ... quite the ephemeral gift ;-)

DiamondsSaphire said...

Luv it...I could actually use a drink now! Ha..to early!

JihadGene said...

Too cool!

Ruv you looong time!
Great Reader

Akelamalu said...

I'll have some Baileys poured over my piece of ice, thank you muchly. :)

g-man said...


SandyCarlson said...

Will do, friend! Merry Christmas.

Awake In Rochester said...

Oh, now that's cold! lol

Vigilante said...

What a cool gift!

Tassy said...

Thanks for this liquid gift...happy holidays to you and have fun, but be good!:)
Take care,
love and hugs