If you go to Purina Cat Chow's web site
& take a test on your knowledge of breast cancer
they will donate
to the
Susan G. Komen
The questions are not difficult
& you keep going until you guess right.
Only 5 questions.
Heres the web site:
LOVE doing this for a good cause! :-D
I 'll do it right now!!!
Thanks chicK...
I took care of that for you!
i wuld uv aced the test but sum of the queshuns wer trik queshuns and wern't on the reevue.....
do you believe in magic?
Done and done:^)
Oh, and thanks for the comment on my blog!
Will go there, Liquid!
Thanks for Fire and Rain. Haven't heard that boy in a while!
I been there, done that! Thanks for posting this Liquid. :D
Every quiz should be taken with a little JT playing in the back ground. Makes those incorrect answers sting a little less :-)
I want to thank each and all of you for the time you took to take this quiz. You helped save a life.
Love ya'll!
I got four out of five right.
Save the tatas!!!
d.debil: Great job!!
lol......yes, we must save the tatas!! :)
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