I really appreciate your patience, kindness, understanding,
and last but not least,
your love and support.
There are times when darkness overtakes us all,
but once we let go and let God,
everything will work out for the best.
I have a bit of healing to do,
I have a bit of healing to do,
but please keep those prayers a comin',
and I will be back with you
as soon as I can.
Much and Always,
Much and Always,
Take care of the important stuff.
Godspeed and God bless, Suzanne. Peace.
Take allthe time you need to heal....it is an ongoing process.
Love you and will continue to pray for you.
What? What? What happened?
Thinking of you at this time,Liquid
I hope you are feeling good soon. God bless.
I am glad you are healing .. we love you Suzanne and wishing the best for you ...
Best of luck, Liquid. Take good care of yourself.
You are always in my prayers Suzanne. I will make an extra effort and pray every moment I have opportunity.
We're with you Suzanne!
Thanks for your sweet comments on my blog. Hope things get brighter in a hurry....holler if you need some hep!
You know we're all here for you Suzanne!
Take care,
Well, I'm new here and I don't know what's going on with you, but I wish you ALL THE BEST. May God guide you always and may you always feel His grace and love. :-))))
Thank you for visiting my blog, I hope you are fine...yes we all have ups and downs... I myself have my own roller coaster of life, but when you are at lows these days, be sure that soon will be ups! God bless!
Trinity from Rooms of
My Heart
Great Track
Hope you are feeling better
And the New Year is kind to you.
Came by to check on you.Hope you are doing great.
Cliff had a great post on his Seek ye first blog
Suzanne...hang in there. Sunny days are ahead. You deserve them! :)
ah crimson & clover
dear girl, i have a few new ones up at poems.
I miss you, oh so, each.
You are not alone!
hi again
the post on cliffs blog is the one titled"vengeance is mine".
Always praying my dear. Everyone will be beside no matter what.
I want to thank Frasypoo for the plug for my Seek Him First blog. And I was in prayer for Suzanne when I was inspired to write that post.
I never thought I'd see the day when I offered up more prayers each night for people I only know through the internet than actual face-to-face friends, but that day has come. You're in my prayers, for sure.
First of all my apologies for not understanding something really important. I received your email and I didn't understand why I didn't hear from you before....I have emailed you a few times but little did I know you were not well? or something is not right...? Its only today I have realised this and I am so so sorry! What happened? I do hope you email me and tell me but meanwhile i pray from the bottom of my heart that whatever it is, you manage to sort things out, ASAP!All my love and a big hug to you...X
love the photo!
Suzanne, I love to draw in my spare time. Is that "Blue Lips" photo available anywhere else so I can print it out at a decent size to draw from? I love the detail on the lips.
Take care....I will light a special candle for your recovery at Mass this evening. Jon in Vicksburg at htt://mississippigarden.blogspot.com
Thank you for visiting my blog, and leaving a comment. I'll mosey around yours for awhile now, but I'm lovin' the pics already.....
I have an award for you on my page
Hey! Thanks so much for coming by to visit my blog :-) I read some of your archives, and I'm so loving your blog!! Can't wait for you to return, and I hope you were able to take care of yourself and get the time that you needed :)
I felt hope today.
Over and Over...
Crimson and Clover.
I am humbled.
Oh, so, each!
I just hope everything goes well with you! Take good care!! :)
I trust and HOPE you are well.
Will keep checking in on you
suzanne, i wish you all strength and keep the hope high. and there are thousands on this side of the web praying for you.
see you soon here. :)
I shall pray for you also. There is an award waiting for you at my blog. God Bless :)
.........And out of the corner of my eye, I caught them each, levitating!
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