My Dad explaining to my son, Campbell, how in the world the hood blew off of the tractor when the diesel fuel ignited beneath it! OMG..........OOPS!
Yeah, I put diesel fuel in the mower because, well, I do not know the difference between it and regular, simply by smell. Now I know how to siffen gas from a tank, clean then replace a carburetor, check its compression and points, find and remove a spark plug, clean a spark plug then replace it, wash out a gas line, clean a needle valve, and inspect a high-tension lead for cracks or breaks. I've chalked it up to one of life's lessons learned.
haha! terrific photo with the explanation especially
Just another day of learning here! Thanks jackson, for stopping in! :)
Do you clean the windshield too?
Beautiful! Now this is the type of photo I call beautiful vintage keepsake!
Oh my! careful girlfriend. :D
oh you didn't...please tell me you didn't!!! Okay this was definitely a blond moment....I know I am blond...Ummmm....I did the same thing to our weed-eater>>>>>blushing)Great photo and funny story...bet it wasn't cheap to fix the problem though!!~Jackie
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