Jazz has made Suzanne’s Guest Book Permanent, so if you haven’t signed it, do so here. The White Family is in the process of creating a living Memorial to Suzanne, and they will announce it as soon as all the details are worked out. On behalf of the White family, they so appreciate your loving support.
Link your tribute to Suzanne here. Warning - some of these tributes will be very candid, as the mode of Suzanne passing is no secret. Suzanne has always tried very hard to be open and honest with her readers, I am sure she would want you to do the same. No disrespect intended, but PLEASE LINK TO YOUR TRIBUTE PAGES, otherwise it will be deleted.
For the Christians who have emailed me about Suzanne and Heaven, Bo Ragon wrote this to me and I asked if I could share it with you; Christian View Of Suicide. Hope it helps. - Amias
I wrote a poem inspired by her. She always made me laugh.
I believe that it might be important to specify whether or not reference to "cause of death" is to be candidly addressed in these posts, as there are young children involved and the blogging fans of Suzanne around the world may or may not know the cause of her death and, if they do, you may or may not want it referenced in your tributes. Please advise.
I may put several links here to my posts, as I fondly remember our friend Suzanne.
When I started blogging, Suzanne was one of the first people to reach out and welcome me to the blogosphere. In fact, the first blog award I got came from her. She was a warm, funny, and very caring person and I will certainly miss her. May she rest in peace.
I had only just met Suzanne & added her to my blogroll. This is so shocking and sad. What a loss to the world. She was truly a unique and awesome person.
I read her Christmas Eve post and got a chill... she did not let on at all how badly she must have been doing.
She will be so missed.
La Framéricaine, thank you. The issue has been addressed, as Suzanne tried very hard to always be open and honest with her readers, and I am sure she would want you to do the same.
I so appreciate you for bringing this to my attention, it needed to be addressed in the post.
I would like to say to all who link a tribute to this hub, please make sure the link is to the tribute page, and not just to your blog.
I'm glad there's a place now where all can come and share in the memories that others had of Suzanne. And I hope that her family -- especially her parents and her children -- will take comfort in knowing how well loved and respected she was among us.
I hadn't known her very long, and can't say I knew her all that well. But certain people you just instinctively love from the very outset, and Suzanne was one of those.
I'll be passing this link along to those I know who haven't linked yet and I hope the rest will do the same.
Thanks for setting this up Amias, it's a fitting memorial for a great human being.
I posted a couple of things. She is dearly missed.
Michelle Dawn and Panaderos please put a link directly to your tribute pages. If the link does not go to your tribute to Suzanne, I will have to delete it.
Thank you for helping honor Suzanne online.
I received your message on my blog and I've added a new entry (
#15) that links to the tribute I wrote up for Suzanne. I apologize for the error on my part. Please delete my first entry (#10).
Thanks for everything and take care.
say it ain't so
Suzanne is missed. She left a void in the blogiverse, and we are all incredibly sad.
Peace - D
suzanne ,Even though I did not get to know her as well as I would have liked to have , what I got to know of her , She was funny as heck . she spoke her mind for sure. I want to take this chance to give my deepest sympathies to her children , to her Mom,and Dad ,And her kids . She will be missed by all . I hope and wish for you all her family to feel her spirit and grace for all time.
I too left her a tribute on Watergate Summer, thank you for doing this...I am so sad about her ....I did not know....I was even here Christmas eve...my condolences to her family..and friends...
thank you, liquid.
i provided another little offering.... i'm so glad somebody made her blog come alive again.
thank you.
the second Post has the correct URL Amias... thanks.
The Daily Blonde, your link comes back to this blog. I will give you time to correct it. Thanks you so much for writing a tribute.
I was running dry of blog ideas and wanted to get inspiration for something funny. So I came here tonight. One of my favorite new blogs. One of my favorite new people.
I didn't know Liquid well, but felt so comfortable here. I would come and listen to the songs on her music player. It's gone now, she's gone now. Did she have any idea how much time I spent here?
The last time she communicated with me she asked prayers for her friend. She asked that I visit her friends blog & pray for her, which I did. The last thing that she asked of me was something for someone else. That says a lot!
I will miss my new friend. I will say a prayer for her family. I will miss her blog, her songs...
I would like to write a tribute (post) in her memory, is this post her tribute page? I will be glad to link it. Oh, I did it wrong. I have to write the post first, then link it. Go ahead & delete #27 I will be back to link it soon. Sorry for the mistake.
My own blog is not very old so I have not lived in Blahgville for long and I have only met a relative few of my neighbors. I also have a blog that is fairly narrow, thematically speaking.
Thus, Suzanne and I would never have crossed paths had it not been for other bloggers who appreciated her work. So, I actually discovered Liquid Illuzion totally "by accident" when I visited Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien who liked Utah Savage who liked Liquid.
When I first surfed to Liquid Illuzion, I read a post that had me laughing hysterically by the end. So I left a comment which sparked a visit to Halfway To France by Liquid who subsequently left me a nice comment.
We went on like that from time to time. A most clearly recall Suzanne's post on Liquid Illuzion about her job search and her doubts and trepidation about being able to find something satisfying and engaging. I encouraged her and she thanked me.
My last contact was a Facebook email that I was too overwhelmed to respond to because I was leaving town for December. The next thing I knew, it was Jan 7th and I was reading Amias' post regarding Suzanne's death.
Son of a bitch! I couldn't believe my eyes. I could not believe that the vivacious and talented, warm and hysterically funny woman who had authored Liquid Illuzion was dead. I had to know why, so I started my own search and quickly came upon a reference to her suicide. Then, I could believe, because my mother killed herself on Easter Sunday in 1991 so, Suzanne could have killed herself on Christmas Eve.
I chose to address the issue of suicide in my blahg post about Suzanne's death because of my own past experience with it and my wish to try to open up the conversation about this taboo subject.
Thank you, Amias, for having provided this forum for fans and admirers of Jeri Suzanne Horne to hold a cyberwake and to share our feelings and thoughts about her lose to the world and, more importantly, to her family.
I noted Suzanne's passing on the link I have added to your list. I send my sympathies and prayers to her family and friends.
What a terribly sad thing to discover
about Liquid. The warmest thoughts to all concerned.
What a wonderful way for us on the blogosphere to connect and remember Suzanne.
She is missed. My sympathies go out to her friends and family.
I've added my link.
It is so hard to think of her never coming back here. She touched so many with her warmth and love.
Never to be forgotten but forever missed.
I'm sorry for the loss of a person with so much talent and enthusiasm. I am sad for her family and friends. May they find peace remembering the happy times when living life wasn't an illusion.
Bo, who was also dear to Suzanne, shared with me his Christian view of Suicide. Since so many have emailed me asking if Suzanne was in heaven, well I believe she is. If you have doubts, click on the link at the bottom of this post. It might answer some question for you.
Also, Bo sent this beautiful tribute to Suzanne, The Train Ride. I linked it with the rest of the tributes, as I think it is very appropriate.
Thanks to all for joining with us in Remembering our Beloved Suzanne.
My 12 year old daughter is on a softball team call the Birmingham Mustangs. Suzanne allowed us to use one of her pictures on our tournament blog. It was of two horses and worked great with our team name. I loved reading her blog and hated hearing about what happened. We will miss her greatly...
I finally was able to write something today so i added another link.
In looking at all of the tributes and comments, I think that all of us who didn't know of each other's blogs have become Suzanne's gift to all of us. And by the information Suzanne shared with me, I also believe that she is in the presence of the Lord.
If you are going to write tributes to this beloved person, let's look at the one facet that made us all laugh out loud! Her sense of humor!
Let's celebrate Suzanne's life --- ... if you remember something funny Suzanne said, or a funny comment to make you laugh out loud, post it at your blog and and link it. Make sure to put the word "lol" by your name on the link, so others will know it's humor.
Suzanne had a wonderful sense of humor, let's use it to celebrate her life! We all could use a few smiles right about now ... !
I have just a small post about her passing. I just have a hard time putting in to words just how much she did touch me in the short time that I had the pleasure of knowing her.
I'm not good with doing links and such, but my wee post is dated January 8th.
I will miss her wit and her stunning photography.
I will miss her.
I just wrote a tribute to Suzanne on my blog. Though I had never read her blog until a few days ago via the post on LaFramericaine's blog, I feel so sad that this beautiful woman is gone... I feel esp. torn for her kids, family, friends... all who knew her... She must have truly been a beautiful woman- both inside and out-- as it shows not only in her own blog, but in all of the tributes I have been reading in everyone's blog... It touches my heart in a very deep way. Thank you for allowing us to share our feelings with one another.
Namaste, Leesa
I just wrote a poem to her because she loved poems & wrote beautiful poems. Admittedly I suck at it, but it is from the heart.
But I did find an interesting Meme that she wrote "List FIVE words I hope are used to describe me after I'm gone." The description fits her perfectly!
Amias - "Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning." (Psalms 30: 5) I've returned to more serious posts, but the humor will soon kick in. I just need to get some stuff out now.
I'm sorry for your loss. Those words don't mean anything but--god damn--what a waste.
I have only discovered today that Suzanne is no more with us.And I am shocked and feeling very down right now.Suzanne has been one of the few people who always commented on my blog and leaving me encouraging words.She always gave me a boost up and made me smile.When she fell in love with one of the cards I have made, I decided to make a project for her and send them to her.She was away on holiday but when she received them, she couldn't thank me enough and told me she would love to have coffee with me when she comes to London! Her kind words and word of inspiration will always remain with me.I miss her terribly and today,I thought I will ask her for some advice when I discoverd her passing away, which I honestly thought wasn't true.Suzanne, I miss you a lot.
Lots of love , from Tassy...x
For those of you who have emailed me about the missing pictures on this blog, I have checked and the links to the photos are still there, as I have not deleted anything from this blog. It will remain as Suzanne left it as a remembering to her.
I will check with eblogger and see what is happening. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.
Oh my God...I came here tonight becasue you always touched my life...even if it was just through blogging.
Now I have forever in my heart an empty space. I knew you we're going through something really difficult....but,God oh why ?
I loved her so much....I am in shock...I have been away from blogging for a while.....I must have sometime to absorb this.
My world has forever changed!! I love you Suzanne and I always will.
Until we meet again...I hope you have found peace and rest from your weary worries of this world!!
Your friend for eternity,
Oh God I will miss you so much!!
How truly sad to lose Suzanne. My sympathies to her family and all close to her. I feel very badly about this loss. She had a huge heart and great talent and a sense of humor. All were evident from our exchanges via the Web. I send my blessings to all and wish healing. And for Suzanne's soul, may it shine in Heaven's light. Don Iannone
Thought I would post this poem that i found in my notebook that i keep next to my bed. I wrote it sometime this month. This will be my last official tribute.
Uhm ...
This is a joke?
Please this be a joke ... I LOVED the art on this site ... will there be more?
I just pray this is a blog joke ...
I am upset
but if Liquid Illuzion is gone ... well I am upset ... if she is gone ... then I am really really upset ... and i just wish this is not true ... and if it is ... i just wish her art to live and this blog to stay for ever ...
Only if we could rescue artists from themselves ...
They are candles ... burning in pain to light our ways ... for her courage, I commend her ...
It's Valentine's Day. I miss you.JG
I logged on this morning and some spam popped-up(which has never happened). Within a second the spam disappeared and Liquids IM replaced it (I've never IM'd Liquid, nor did I ever set one up with her or anybody for that matter). So there's the cursor just sitting there blinking at me. So I typed in that I missed her. The lightbulb in my lamp goes out. I sit there not knowing what is going on. Then I typed in, R U o.k. now? The lightbulb now comes back on. Thought I'd share this...
Ghost Dansing,
I clicked your name which brought me here. You have lost someone dear to you, and I am very sorry to hear this. I want to make contact with you.
Please write me at lisa at rangeragainstwar-dot-com. Thanks.
It's Christmas time almost!
And yes I did imagine that!
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I spent the Thanksgiving holiday yoked to a leaf blower, which leaves a lot of time for thought. And as I watched the leaves tumble through the air, I thought of you Suzanne. It's almost a year now, almost a year since the time you "jumped in the deep end without your floaties on".
The ripples are still spreading. They're softer now, not as jarring, but they're still felt.
Just thought you'd want to know.
We haven't forgotten.
Well my friend, it has been a year now. I just posted a link here for someone else, someone who never got the chance to meet you but now knows you through those you left behind. You're still touching hearts Suze. Even now.
Just thought you'd want to know.
I miss you awful girl.
This is a very sad story.
It's been over a year Suz and I still miss you. Going home to Mississippi just isn't the same without you there.
Well my friend, it's that time again. The time when we all gather to remember the one so dear to us. We miss you. And in another year or ten or twenty, we'll still miss you. And still remember.
All feathers, Suz. I hope it's all feathers where you are now.
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No life is ever truly over as long as we remember.
We remember.
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