
Points Of View....


MuseSwings said...

Luckily, some stupid is funny. A lot of it is pathetic. The correction notice was my favorite - charges of prostitution v. not stopping at an RR crossing. Yipes!

coltfan said...

lmao good stuff . really shows how stupid all of us can be even with supposedly superior brains than a monkey lol.

Unknown said...

Wow this was hilarious! You know these are so funny and yet sad at the same time...
Thanks for sharing these!

Syd said...

How can people write these things? These are too funny. Don't they see the irony?

Cliff said...

These are the folks who also vote and procreate.

Liquid said...

WIX, man, you're right on!

he he he he he!

I'm still laughing at these!!


Ghost Dansing said...

these are very funny.....

Jon said...

If "stupid" was worth money, the writers of these clippings would be millionaires. What were these people thinking or smoking I wonder?

At any rate, I suppose it is better to laugh than cry. Thanks for sharing this stuff.

Jon at Mississippi Garden

Megan said...

Nice to leave work in a laughing mood! Thanks!

Gadfly said...

OK, some of those were freaking beautiful. It's been a while since I literally laughed out loud at shit on the monitor :D

Although ... the dog poisoning masturbation filmer ... o_O


Michelle said...

These are too funny

Maeve said...

Me thinks there needs to be a LOT of chlorine in the gene pool.......

Shadow said...

reality sure is funnier than fiction! thanks for the laugh!

Campbell Jane said...

LOL I need a chuckle today!

G-Man said...

You need to work for Jay Leno...
Sure have missed you...

JihadGene said...

Oh you are sooo good!!!

Diane Vogel Ferri said...

These are always so funny and so hard to believe people don't actually read what they write! Proofread people!

SandyCarlson said...

You made me laugh out loud. Those were lots of fun.

crazyladyglass said...

Thanks!!! You made me laugh so hard and I think you top Jay Leno's writers.

Connie said...

Calling a cat named "Help." HA HA HA HA HA!

Sunny said...

Too sinkin' funny, thanks for the laughs this morning!