This is a 51 pound blue catfish that was caught in our swimming hole in Okatibbee Creek.
Notice the Gatorade bottle in his mouth in the bottom photograph.
The creek runs along the back side of our pasture and feeds out of the Okatibbee reservoir behind our property line.
It was caught on a trout line during the night.
I sure am glad we didn't have a run in with this fella
while we were swimming the day before.
Heck, maybe we did and just didn't know it!
I think I'll keep this one a secret from the children!

Oh dear Lord!
Throw it back. I prefer Powerade.
That's a big ass fish!
See, this is WHY I like pools.
You can SEE the bottom and know that nothing is going to come up and bite your sorry butt.
Oh dear Lord! is right! Yikes!!!
Now that's some strange bait!
How old do these guys get--and how scrappy--to get so huge?
Liquid: Oh my we have them that size in the lake I fish. That is one big boy. The biggest I ever caught was a 12# Channel Catfish and he was plenty big.
I catfish that big purrrrrrrrrrr?
that catfish did make me think of Hendrix and catfish blues and dat be hard to beat......
but hear Catfish Hodge and da eyewitnesses blues too.....
When I was a little boy, we caught one about that size, and dad laid it in the boat and it just laid there and groaned loudly for like 20 minutes.
I was wanting dad to put it out of its misery, but he was busy driving the boat, and I was only 5 and scared to touch the thing.
So I just listened to the thing and freaked out. Kinda traumatic, really *chuckle*
looks like dinner to me....little bit of cornflour, salt&pepper and some hot grease take good care of that.....
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