I was in the middle of Nowhere, Mississippi, taking photographs for a website relating to the Hunting Industry when I crept through the trees, just beyond its line and stepped into this magnificent area. Standing there, in all of it's superiority and grace, was this tree! I'm guessing it to be at least, if not well over,
500 years old. I say this in
comparison to the same type of trees back home on our property that are known to be 100 - 125 years old. This photograph does not do this tree justice in showing you it's size. Photographing its limbs required me to back into the wood line and arch backwards!
It sits, perfectly, and untouched in a rounded out clearing in the middle of the woods, in the middle of no where! I gasped for breath upon stepping into this circle. Oh, and the moon was full on this particular evening and as I left the property, I glanced into the wood line and with the full moon directly over it......it was visible through the trees seemingly, glowing.
I'm sure that's something that you need to see in person.
God's artwork is always the best.
WOW!!! Even from the photos it looks GIGANTIC and AMAZING. One thing I really "hate" sometimes is that when I see a really WONDERFUL view here, but I know that my camera can't take it all. You just have to see it for yourself to enjoy it...
These pictures remind me of that feeling he he he...
Oh my goodness!
I am tingling ... This is so amazing ... Mother Nature's joy.
Liquid you do us proud and I am so happy you are out and about doing what you love doing. I have got to copy this tree, so it can be near to me until I can see it in person!
THANK YOU .. you have made my day!
Those trees are awesome. Truly God's handiwork.
Glad to be back here, dear friend. Missed your site a lot. Thanks and take care always. I wish you a Belated Happy Easter! :)
Thank you each!
beautiful.... !
WOW is right! That tree is magnificent!
Such the tree hugger I am.
Nice. I happened to be your neck of the woods last week. I didn't see you anywhere though.
Yes Wow!!
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