
It's a DIAMOND of a birthday today!
"May every hallway be a runway for you today!"

If you have the time, go and give a her a delicious wish!

I just love birthday's!



Linda Jones Malonson said...

You and Cliff are right on target today ... You are just as sweet ... and so very considered of others feelings.

You have a good day Liquid!

Cliff said...

I like the mission behind Diamond's "A Day in the Zone" blog. She is about wanting us all to live a healthier lifestyle, as she goes about hear weight loss goal.

And like many on my blogroll, she is a southern belle, as she's from North Carolina.

And I'm hoping that people going to her blog will not only make her feel good but those going there will find something to make them feel good.

Liquid said...


I find myself in the mood for birthday cake today. Yum!

Liquid said...


I like her. I found her blog MOST interesting and also, full of love. Yeah, I like her!


Diamond said...

Thanks so much for the Birthday wish and adding me to your blogroll. I have something for you over at my blog, when you have a chance come and pick it up!!