Pullin' up my
"Big Girl Panties"
and getting
with my beautiful,
new life!

A VIZ'UAL JOURNEY, DRIVEN BY MY INSATIABLE CURIOSA... My wish for you is to have no regrets as you wander and sometimes stumble throughout your life. That you create the ability to pause and to feel, the delicacy in moments, allowing each to tickle the palate of your imagination. I pray that the ebb and the flow guide you safely, with both comfort and with grace, through each delicious drink you take. I invite you to share with me, my journey, as I sip slowly through the gift of my heart.
CHEERS to our individual beauty!!!! Let's celebrate life he he he...And I LOVE the picture! ;-D
Btw, I did a post on "coining" ages ago already. Here's the link:
Nice ass!
Here's to your new life ... and I am with Amel, let's celebrate!
I am so very proud of you little sister, so very proud!
And I just need to be careful and aware of how, in which context, I share it.
Just that today, alone, seemed, so appropriate.
I came. I saw. I read. I am. I love it... Thx for dropping by and thx for sharing that pic. Hopefully I'll get a poem up within the next few weeks. Babies take up any free time. But I'm sure you know that. Have a good one, Mike...
Wow!!! Now that's a great pic! I may come around more often! LOL
Funny thing is, I can picture your face laughing, as you post.
Freedom is a wonderful thing....
Enjoy it!
Oh, almost forgot to say...
Excellent picture, erotic qualities aside. I love B+W photography, with the right subjects, and that was a perfect choice. Understated but striking.
Eh hem, well ah, looks like there are ah no wads to um get in the way of yur new life.
Is it hot in here or is it just me?
Ai Carumba!
Good for you!
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