Last night I spent a little time playing while online, choosing to surf other blogs. I came across one in particular that I found absolutely delicious! I awoke this morning craving for more and was compelled to share below, a post from it. The highlighted text will take you directly to this interesting dish. I hope you will take the time to check it out. Trust me, it is worth it.
......I can't wait until lunch!
~Bon Appetite
LIQUID SUNSHINE In ancient times, there were magical beings known as Hrrms that were made of liquid sunshine. They were brighter than their surroundings, but not quite as bright as the other demi-gods they would play with and tease on a summer afternoon. They liked living on Earth, having been carried here from the planet of their birth, Hrrolderstani. But there were not that many Hrrms on Earth, while there were lots of Hrrms still on Hrrolderstani. So they were understandably a little bit lonely.
Since they were made of liquid sunshine, they could not play in the waters that some of the other gods had supplied to earth in the form of oceans and lakes, as they would dissolve into undifferentiated puddles. So instead they were forced to play all alone on the land. Out of their loneliness, they decided that each one would supply a small amount of excess liquid sunshine to a group effort that their leader, Harold Hrrms, was organizing. With the excess liquid sunshine mixed with mud from the earth, they were able to fashion two people, whom they named Aaron and Sophie, to serve as playmates. These playmates were first cousins. And when the Hrrms could, they collected more liquid sunshine and more mud and made more people for them to play with. Soon (within 2 or 3 million years) they had made a total of 650,000 people! So they gathered the people all in one place and started playing with them, just for fun.
Now the people were not too smart, and they liked to have water fights with water balloons, and soon they soaked all the Hrrms with water, and the liquid sunshine all melted into the ground. Now there are no more Hrrms left on Earth, but all the people are still around.
( ... my favorite line --->) And we are their children, and so we too have a small amount of
liquid sunshine inside each and every one of us.
Posted by Bob Davis on Thursday, October 13, 2005